Current Projects
Here's a list of our current projects that are available during our Open Studio times. Book a time when we have Open Studio, and come in to make an amazing craft or sewing project!
Baby and Me projects
This is meant for our littlest crafters! Kiddos ages 6 months and up will be able to choose from a variety of crafts that are made just for them! They can make play dough, paint, make a sensory bottle, play with bubbles, and use our Duplo and chalkboard wall.
$20 per participant for one hour
$15 projects
Start out by learning how to make customized soap, candles, granulated candles (think sand art with wax!), play dough, painted friendship bracelets, three pieces of marbled paper, or any kind of slime. $15 per participant
$25 projects
Choose from jewelry making (washer necklace, friendship bracelets, magazine bead bracelet, tassel necklace, simple pony bead necklace for young kids, clay seashell necklace), God's eye wall hanging, melted crayon artwork, or a fairy house-$25 per participant
$35 projects
Projects include a small paint pouring canvas, washer wind chime, mosaic or seashell picture frame, dream catcher, wrapped yarn name initial, marbled clay ring bowl, or throw paint at a canvas in our Splat It! room-$35 per participant
$45 projects
Choose between making string art or wood burning projects, or a medium painted canvas or Splat It! painting-$45 per participant
$55 projects
Projects include combination string art and wood burning project, arm knitted pouf pillow, and a large paint pouring canvas-$55 per project